PLU Codes
Since 1990, PLU (Price Look Up) codes have been used by supermarkets to streamline checkout and inventory control, making these processes faster and more accurate. PLU codes identify bulk produce and related items, distinguishing between hundreds of different items. The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is the global organization responsible for assigning these codes to produce items.
PLU codes are voluntary and not mandated by any governing body. These 4- or 5-digit numbers appear on stickers applied to individual pieces of fresh produce. The PLU number identifies produce items based on various attributes, including commodity, variety, growing methodology (e.g., organic), and size. These numbers are assigned by the IFPS after rigorous review at both national and international levels.
PLU codes ensure that consumers pay the accurate price by removing the need for cashiers to manually identify the product and determine whether it is conventionally or organically grown.
Additional information on PLU Codes can be found on the IFPS website.
Watermelon PLUs include the following:

UPC Codes
These are UPC codes established for watermelon. All are for use with generic watermelon manufacturer #033383:
- 402406: Red Flesh Seedless Watermelon
- 402635: Yellow Seedless Watermelon
- 402413: Orange Flesh Seedless Watermelon
- 402642: Mini Yellow Seedless Watermelon – 2 ct mesh bag
- 402420: Red Flesh Seeded Watermelon
- 402697: Organic – Mini Seedless Watermelon – 1 ct mesh bag
- 402437: Mini Seedless Watermelon
- 911236: Mini Yellow Seedless Watermelon
- 402475: Mini Seedless 2-count boxes
- 911243: Mini Orange Seedless Watermelon
As of January 2020, new generic Universal Product Codes will no longer be issued for produce in the U.S. and Canada, with company-specific codes taking their place. Current generic UPCs for fresh produce will not be affected for now. It is encouraged that your company apply for your own UPC prefix or for more information visit For further information or questions regarding PLU codes, please email